The Vela pulsar `jet: a companion-punctured bubble of fallback material

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Markwardt and Oegelman (1995) used ROSAT to reveal a 12 by 45 arcmin structure in 1 keV X rays around the Vela pulsar, which they interpret as a jet emanating from the pulsar. We here present an alternative view of the nature of this feature, namely that it consists of material from very deep inside the exploding star, close to the mass cut between material that became part of the neutron star and ejected material. The initial radial velocity of the inner material was lower than the bulk of the ejecta, and formed a bubble of slow material that started expanding again due to heating by the young pulsars spindown energy. The expansion is mainly in one direction, and to explain this we speculate that the pre-supernova system was a binary. The explosion caused the binary to unbind, and the pulsars former companion carved a lower-density channel into the main ejecta. The resulting puncture of the bubbles edge greatly facilitated expansion along its path relative to other directions. If this is the case, we can estimate the current speed of the former binary companion and from this reconstruct the presupernova binary orbit. It follows that the exploding star was a helium star, hence that the supernova was of type Ib. Since the most likely binary companion is another neutron star, the evolution of the Vela remnant and its surroundings has been rather more complicated than the simple expansion of one supernova blast wave into unperturbed interstellar material.

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