Clustering of Lyman Break Galaxies at z=4 and 5 in The Subaru Deep Field: Luminosity Dependence of The Correlation Function Slope

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We explored the clustering properties of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z=4 and 5 with an angular two-point correlation function on the basis of the very deep and wide Subaru Deep Field data. We found an apparent dependence of the correlation function slope on UV luminosity for LBGs at both z=4 and 5. More luminous LBGs have a steeper correlation function. To compare these observational results, we constructed numerical mock LBG catalogs based on a semianalytic model of hierarchical clustering combined with high-resolution N-body simulation, carefully mimicking the observational selection effects. The luminosity functions for LBGs predicted by this mock catalog were found to be almost consistent with the observation. Moreover, the overall correlation functions of LBGs were reproduced reasonably well. The observed dependence of the clustering on UV luminosity was not reproduced by the model, unless subsamples of distinct halo mass were considered. That is, LBGs belonging to more massive dark haloes had steeper and larger-amplitude correlation functions. With this model, we found that LBG multiplicity in massive dark halos amplifies the clustering strength at small scales, which steepens the slope of the correlation function. The hierarchical clustering model could therefore be reconciled with the observed luminosity-dependence of the angular correlation function, if there is a tight correlation between UV luminosity and halo mass. Our finding that the slope of the correlation function depends on luminosity could be an indication that massive dark halos hosted multiple bright LBGs (abridged).

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