Starburst at the Expanding Molecular Superbubble in M82: Self-Induced Starburst at the Inner Edge of the Superbubble

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present high spatial resolution (2.3x1.9 or 43 pc x 36 pc at D = 3.9 Mpc) 100 GHz millimeter-wave continuum emission observations with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array toward an expanding molecular superbubble in the central region of M82. The 100 GHz continuum image, which is dominated by free-free emission, revealed that the four strongest peaks are concentrated at the inner edge of the superbubble along the galactic disk. The production rates of Lyman continuum photons calculated from 100 GHz continuum flux at these peaks are an order of magnitude higher than those from the most massive star forming regions in our Galaxy. At these regions, high velocity ionized gas (traced by H41a and [Ne II]) can be seen, and H2O and OH masers are also concentrated. The center of the superbubble, on the other hand, is weak in molecular and free-free emissions and strong in diffuse hard X-ray emission. These observations suggest that a strong starburst produced energetic explosions and resultant plasma and superbubble expansions, and induced the present starburst regions traced by our 100 GHz continuum observations at the inner edge of the molecular superbubble. These results, therefore, provide the first clear evidence of self-induced starburst in external galaxies. Starburst at the center of the superbubble, on the other hand, begins to cease because of a lack of molecular gas. This kind of intense starburst seems to have occurred several times within 10^6-10^7 years in the central region of M82.

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