The Presence and Distribution of HI Absorbing Gas in Sub-galactic Sized Radio Sources

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the incidence of HI absorption in intrinsically small sub-galactic sized extragalactic sources selected from sources classified as Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) and Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) sources. We find that the smaller sources (<0.5 kpc) have larger HI column densities than the larger sources (>0.5 kpc). Both a spherical and an axi-symmetric gas distribution, with a radial power law density profile, can be used to explain this anti-correlation between projected linear size and HI column density. Since most detections occur in objects classified as galaxies, we argue that if the unified schemes apply to GPS/CSSs a disk distribution for the HI is more likely. The most favoured explanation for the compact sizes of the GPS/CSSs is that they are young sources evolving in a power law density medium. For the GPSs with measured expansion velocities, our derived densities are within an order of magnitude of those estimated from ram-pressure confinement of the lobes assuming equipartition. Our results therefore support the youth model.

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