Global Weierstrass equations of hyperelliptic curves

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Given a hyperelliptic curve $C$ of genus $g$ over a number field $K$ and a Weierstrass model $mathscr{C}$ of $C$ over the ring of integers ${mathcal O}_K$ (i.e. the hyperelliptic involution of $C$ extends to $mathscr{C}$ and the quotient is a smooth model of ${mathbb P}^1_K$ over ${mathcal O}_K$), we give necessary and sometimes sufficient conditions for $mathscr{C}$ to be defined by a global Weierstrass equation. In particular, if $C$ has everywhere good reduction, we prove that it is defined by a global Weierstrass equation with invertible discriminant if the class number $h_K$ is prime to $2(2g+1)$, confirming a conjecture of M. Sadek.

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