A discrete time crystal is a remarkable non-equilibrium phase of matter characterized by persistent sub-harmonic response to a periodic drive. Motivated by the question of whether such time-crystalline order can persist when the drive becomes aperiodic, we investigate the dynamics of a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model under quasiperiodic kicking. Intriguingly, this infinite-range-interacting spin chain can exhibit long-lived periodic oscillations when the kicking amplitudes are drawn from the Thue-Morse sequence (TMS). We dub this phase a ``self-ordered time crystal (SOTC), and demonstrate that our model hosts at least two qualitatively distinct prethermal SOTC phases. These SOTCs are robust to various perturbations, and they originate from the interplay of long-range interactions and the recursive structure of the TMS. Our results suggest that quasiperiodic driving protocols can provide a promising route for realizing novel non-equilibrium phases of matter in long-range interacting systems.