The Picard group of the category of $C_n$-equivariant stable homotopy theory

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For a finite group $G$, there is a map $RO(G) to {rm Pic}(Sp^G)$ from the real representation ring of $G$ to the Picard group of $G$-spectra. This map is not known to be surjective in general, but we prove that when $G$ is cyclic this map is indeed surjective and in that case we describe ${rm Pic}(Sp^G)$ explicitly. We also show that for an arbitrary finite group $G$ homology and cohomology with coefficients in a cohomological Mackey functor do not see the part of ${rm Pic}(Sp^G)$ coming from the Picard group of the Burnside ring. Hence these homology and cohomology calculations can be graded on a smaller group.

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