The realism-based nonlocality (RBN) is a recently introduced measure that differs from the well-known Bells nonlocality. For bipartite states, the RBN concerns how much an element of reality associated with a given observable is affected upon local measurements on a subsystem. Here, we present an analytical proof for the unitary invariance of the RBN and that it presents a monotonous behavior upon the action of unital and non-unital local quantum noise. We illustrate our results by employing the two-qubits Werner state and thermal quantum correlated states. We show how the RBN is limited by the initial equilibrium temperature and, especially, that it decays asymptotically with it. These results also corroborate the hierarchy relationship between the quantifiers of RBN and global quantum discord, showing that RBN can capture undetectable nonlocal aspects even for non-discordant states. Finally, we argue how our results can be employed to use the RBN as a security tool in quantum communication tasks.
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