Dynamical aspects of asymmetric Eddington gravity with scalar fields

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In Eddington gravity, the action principle involves only the symmetric parts of the connection and the Ricci tensor, with a metric that emerges proportionally to the latter. Here, we relax this symmetric character, prolong the action with the antisymmetric parts of the Ricci term, and allow for various couplings with scalar fields. We propose two possible invariant actions formed by distinct combinations of the independent Ricci tensors and show that the generated metric must involve an additional antisymmetric part due to the relaxation of the symmetrization property. The comprehensive study shows that the second curvature influences the dynamics of the connection, hence its solution in terms of the metric, and the evolution of the scalar fields. These new dynamical features are expected to stand viable and to have interesting implications in domains where scalar fields are indispensable.

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