Further Evidence for Tidal Spin-Up of Hot Jupiter Host Stars

الملخص بالإنكليزية

For most hot Jupiters around main-sequence Sun-like stars, tidal torques are expected to transfer angular momentum from the planets orbit to the stars rotation. The timescale for this process is difficult to calculate, leading to uncertainties in the history of orbital evolution of hot Jupiters. We present evidence for tidal spin-up by taking advantage of recent advances in planet detection and host-star characterization. We compared the projected rotation velocities and rotation periods of Sun-like stars with hot Jupiters and spectroscopically similar stars with (i) wider-orbiting giant planets, and (ii) less massive planets. The hot Jupiter hosts tend to spin faster than the stars in either of the control samples. Reinforcing earlier studies, the results imply that hot Jupiters alter the spins of their host stars while they are on the main sequence, and that the ages of hot-Jupiter hosts cannot be reliably determined using gyrochronology.

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