Long Term Evolution of Surface Features on the Red Supergiant AZ Cyg

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present H-band interferometric observations of the red supergiant (RSG) AZ Cyg made with the Michigan Infra-Red Combiner (MIRC) at the six-telescope Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array. The observations span 5 years (2011-2016), offering insight into the short and long-term evolution of surface features on RSGs. Using a spectrum of AZ Cyg obtained with SpeX on the NASA InfraRed Telescope Facility (IRTF) and synthetic spectra calculated from spherical MARCS, spherical PHOENIX, and SAtlas model atmospheres, we derive $T_{text{eff}}$ is between $3972 K$ and $4000 K$ and $log~g$ between $-0.50$ and $0.00$, depending on the stellar model used. Using fits to the squared visibility and Gaia parallaxes we measure its average radius $R=911^{+57}_{-50}~R_{odot}$. Reconstructions of the stellar surface using our model-independent imaging codes SQUEEZE and OITOOLS.jl show a complex surface with small bright features that appear to vary on a timescale of less than one year and larger features that persist for more than one year. 1D power spectra of these images suggest a characteristic size of $0.52-0.69~R_{star}$ for the larger, long lived features. This is close to the values of $0.51-0.53~R_{star}$ derived from 3D RHD models of stellar surfaces. We conclude that interferometric imaging of this star is in line with predictions of 3D RHD models but that short-term imaging is needed to more stringently test predictions of convection in RSGs.

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