The tidal evolution of interacting binaries when the orbital period is short compared to the primary stars convective time scale is a problem of long-standing. Terquem (2021) has argued that, when this temporal ordering scheme is obeyed, the rate of energy transfer from tides to convection (denoted $D_R$) is given by the product of the averaged Reynolds stress associated with the tidal velocity and the mean shear associated with the convective flow. In a recent response, Barker and Astoul (2021, hereafter BA21) claim to show that $D_R$ (in this form) cannot contribute to tidal dissipation. Their analysis is based on a study of Boussinesq and anelastic models. Here, we demonstrate that BA21 misidentify the correct term responsible for energy transfer between tides and convection. As a consequence, their anelastic calculations do not prove that the $D_R$ formulation is invalidated as an energy-loss coupling between tides and convection. BA21 also carry out a calculation in the Boussinesq approximation. Here, their claim that $D_R$ once again does not contribute is based on boundary conditions that do not apply to any star or planet that radiates energy from its surface, which is a key dissipational process in the problem we consider.