Covariant Decomposition of The Nonlinear Galaxy Number Counts and Their Monopole

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a fully nonlinear and relativistically covariant expression for the observed galaxy density contrast. Building on a null tetrad tailored to the cosmological observers past light cone, we find a decomposition of the nonlinear galaxy over-density into manifestly gauge-invariant quantities, each of which has a clear physical interpretation as a cosmological observable. This ensures that the monopole of the galaxy over-density field is properly accounted for. We anticipate that this decomposition will be useful for future work on nonlinearities in galaxy number counts, for example, deriving the relativistic expression for the galaxy bispectrum. We then specialise our results to conformal Newtonian gauge, with a Hubble parameter either defined globally or measured locally, illustrating the significance of the different contributions to the observed monopole of the galaxy density.

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