Positivity and representations of surface groups

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In arXiv:1802.02833 Guichard and Wienhard introduced the notion of $Theta$-positivity, a generalization of Lusztigs total positivity to real Lie groups that are not necessarily split. Based on this notion, we introduce in this paper $Theta$-positive representations of surface groups. We prove that $Theta$-positive representations are $Theta$-Anosov. This implies that $Theta$-positive representations are discrete and faithful and that the set of $Theta$-positive representations is open in the representation variety. We show that the set of $Theta$-positive representations is closed within the set of representations that do not virtually factor through a parabolic subgroup. From this we deduce that for any simple Lie group $mathsf G$ admitting a $Theta$-positive structure there exist components consisting of $Theta$-positive representations. More precisely we prove that the components parametrized using Higgs bundles methods in arXiv:2101.09377 consist of $Theta$-positive representations.

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