2nd Place Solution for IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 3D AI Challenge: 3D Object Reconstruction from A Single Image

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper, we present our solution for the {it IJCAI--PRICAI--20 3D AI Challenge: 3D Object Reconstruction from A Single Image}. We develop a variant of AtlasNet that consumes single 2D images and generates 3D point clouds through 2D to 3D mapping. To push the performance to the limit and present guidance on crucial implementation choices, we conduct extensive experiments to analyze the influence of decoder design and different settings on the normalization, projection, and sampling methods. Our method achieves 2nd place in the final track with a score of $70.88$, a chamfer distance of $36.87$, and a mean f-score of $59.18$. The source code of our method will be available at https://github.com/em-data/Enhanced_AtlasNet_3DReconstruction.

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