Crystal-field excitations and vibronic modes in triangular-lattice spin-liquid candidate TbInO$_3$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the ground state properties, the electronic excitations and lattice dynamics in spin-liquid candidate TbInO$_3$. By employing polarization resolved Raman spectroscopy we define the inter- and intra-multiplet excitations, and establish the low-energy crystal-field (CF) level scheme. In particular, we demonstrate that the ground state of the Tb$^{3+}$ ions is a non-Kramers doublet, and relate the enhanced linewidth of the CF modes to the magnetic fluctuations near the spin-liquid ground state. We identify all 38 allowed Raman-active phonon modes at low temperature. Moreover, we observe hybrid vibronic excitations involving coupled CF and low-lying phonon modes, suggesting strong spin-lattice dynamics. We develop a model for vibronic states and obtain the parameters of the bare responses and coupling strength. We further demonstrate that the obtained CF level scheme is consistent with specific heat data.

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