Detection of quantum criticality in spin-1 chain through multipartite non-locality

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We find non-localities, violation of local realism, in the many-body ground states of spin-1 XXZ chain with on-site anisotropy. In order to identify the non-localities in higher spin systems, we exploit the generalized version of multipartite Bell-type inequalities which characterize symmetric entangled states under the most general settings via combination of high-order correlations. For a given set of unbiased measurements, we obtain a sharp violation of the multipartite Bell-type inequality at the vicinity of the quantum criticality, a type of the first-order, in the regime of large exchanges and strong on-site anisotropies. It signifies that impossibility of local realistic picture is manifested when a system is subjected to quantum phase transition between weekly entangled states via GHZ-like state. Our results provide the first extendible picture on the relationship between the impossibility of local realistic model and many-body quantum phases in higher-spin system as the observable identifies measurable quantities to detect the non-locality on a particular many-body quantum state.

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