End-to-end One-shot Human Parsing

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Previous human parsing models are limited to parsing humans into pre-defined classes, which is inflexible for applications that need to handle new classes. In this paper, we define a new one-shot human parsing (OSHP) task that requires parsing humans into an open set of classes defined by any test example. During training, only base classes are exposed, which only overlap with part of test-time classes. To address three main challenges in OSHP, i.e., small sizes, testing bias, and similar parts, we devise a novel End-to-end One-shot human Parsing Network (EOP-Net). Firstly, an end-to-end human parsing framework is proposed to mutually share semantic information with different granularities and help recognize the small-size human classes. Then, we devise two collaborative metric learning modules to learn representative prototypes for base classes, which can quickly adapt to unseen classes and mitigate the testing bias. Moreover, we empirically find that robust prototypes empower feature representations with higher transferability to the novel concepts, hence, we propose to adopt momentum-updated dynamic prototypes generated by gradually smoothing the training time prototypes and employ contrastive loss at the prototype level. Experiments on three popular benchmarks tailored for OSHP demonstrate that EOP-Net outperforms representative one-shot segmentation models by large margins, which serves as a strong benchmark for further research on this new task. The source code will be made publicly available.

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