Online Weighted Matching with a Sample

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study the greedy-based online algorithm for edge-weighted matching with (one-sided) vertex arrivals in bipartite graphs, and edge arrivals in general graphs. This algorithm was first studied more than a decade ago by Korula and Pal for the bipartite case in the random-order model. While the weighted bipartite matching problem is solved in the random-order model, this is not the case in recent and exciting online models in which the online player is provided with a sample, and the arrival order is adversarial. The greedy-based algorithm is arguably the most natural and practical algorithm to be applied in these models. Despite its simplicity and appeal, and despite being studied in multiple works, the greedy-based algorithm was not fully understood in any of the studied online models, and its actual performance remained an open question for more than a decade. We provide a thorough analysis of the greedy-based algorithm in several online models. For vertex arrivals in bipartite graphs, we characterize the exact competitive-ratio of this algorithm in the random-order model, for any arrival order of the vertices subsequent to the sampling phase (adversarial and random orders in particular). We use it to derive tight analysis in the recent adversarial-order model with a sample (AOS model) for any sample size, providing the first result in this model beyond the simple secretary problem. Then, we generalize and strengthen the black box method of converting results in the random-order model to single-sample prophet inequalities, and use it to derive the state-of-the-art single-sample prophet inequality for the problem. Finally, we use our new techniques to analyze the greedy-based algorithm for edge arrivals in general graphs and derive results in all the mentioned online models. In this case as well, we improve upon the state-of-the-art single-sample prophet inequality.

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