A General Derivative Identity for the Conditional Mean Estimator in Gaussian Noise and Some Applications

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Consider a channel ${bf Y}={bf X}+ {bf N}$ where ${bf X}$ is an $n$-dimensional random vector, and ${bf N}$ is a Gaussian vector with a covariance matrix ${bf mathsf{K}}_{bf N}$. The object under consideration in this paper is the conditional mean of ${bf X}$ given ${bf Y}={bf y}$, that is ${bf y} to E[{bf X}|{bf Y}={bf y}]$. Several identities in the literature connect $E[{bf X}|{bf Y}={bf y}]$ to other quantities such as the conditional variance, score functions, and higher-order conditional moments. The objective of this paper is to provide a unifying view of these identities. In the first part of the paper, a general derivative identity for the conditional mean is derived. Specifically, for the Markov chain ${bf U} leftrightarrow {bf X} leftrightarrow {bf Y}$, it is shown that the Jacobian of $E[{bf U}|{bf Y}={bf y}]$ is given by ${bf mathsf{K}}_{{bf N}}^{-1} {bf Cov} ( {bf X}, {bf U} | {bf Y}={bf y})$. In the second part of the paper, via various choices of ${bf U}$, the new identity is used to generalize many of the known identities and derive some new ones. First, a simple proof of the Hatsel and Nolte identity for the conditional variance is shown. Second, a simple proof of the recursive identity due to Jaffer is provided. Third, a new connection between the conditional cumulants and the conditional expectation is shown. In particular, it is shown that the $k$-th derivative of $E[X|Y=y]$ is the $(k+1)$-th conditional cumulant. The third part of the paper considers some applications. In a first application, the power series and the compositional inverse of $E[X|Y=y]$ are derived. In a second application, the distribution of the estimator error $(X-E[X|Y])$ is derived. In a third application, we construct consistent estimators (empirical Bayes estimators) of the conditional cumulants from an i.i.d. sequence $Y_1,...,Y_n$.

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