The newest neutron scattering applications are highly intensity-limited techniques that demand reducing the neutron losses between source and detectors. In addition, the nuclear industry demands more accurate data and procedures for the design and optimization of advanced fission reactors, especially for the treatment of fuel and moderator materials. To meet these demands, it is necessary to improve the existing calculation tools, through the generation of better models that describe the interaction of neutrons with the systems of interest. The Neutron Physics Department at Centro Atomico Bariloche (CNEA, Argentina) has been developing over the time new models for the interaction of slow neutrons with materials, to produce scattering kernels and cross section data in the thermal and cold neutron energy region. Besides the studies carried out on neutron moderators, we have recently begun looking at materials that could serve as efficient neutron reflectors over those energy ranges. In this work we present the results of transmission and scattering experiments on diamond nanopowder and magnesium hydride, carried out simultaneously at the VESUVIO spectrometer (ISIS, UK), and compare them with newly generated cross-section libraries.