Four-body (an)harmonic oscillator in $d$-dimensional space: $S$-states, (quasi)-exact-solvability, hidden algebra $sl(7)$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

As a generalization and extension of our previous paper {it J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 055302} cite{AME2020}, in this work we study a quantum 4-body system in $mathbb{R}^d$ ($dgeq 3$) with quadratic and sextic pairwise potentials in the {it relative distances}, $r_{ij} equiv {|{bf r}_i - {bf r}_j |}$, between particles. Our study is restricted to solutions in the space of relative motion with zero total angular momentum ($S$-states). In variables $rho_{ij} equiv r_{ij}^2$, the corresponding reduced Hamiltonian of the system possesses a hidden $sl(7;{bf R})$ Lie algebra structure. In the $rho$-representation it is shown that the 4-body harmonic oscillator with arbitrary masses and unequal spring constants is exactly-solvable (ES). We pay special attention to the case of four equal masses and to atomic-like (where one mass is infinite, three others are equal), molecular two-center (two masses are infinite, two others are equal) and molecular three-center (three infinite masses) cases. In particular, exact results in the molecular case are compared with those obtained within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The first and second order symmetries of non-interacting system are searched. Also, the reduction to the lower dimensional cases $d=1,2$ is discussed. It is shown that for four body harmonic oscillator case there exists an infinite family of eigenfunctions which depend on the single variable which is the moment-of-inertia of the system.

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