Colorful Hamilton cycles in random graphs

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Given an $n$ vertex graph whose edges have colored from one of $r$ colors $C={c_1,c_2,ldots,c_r}$, we define the Hamilton cycle color profile $hcp(G)$ to be the set of vectors $(m_1,m_2,ldots,m_r)in [0,n]^r$ such that there exists a Hamilton cycle that is the concatenation of $r$ paths $P_1,P_2,ldots,P_r$, where $P_i$ contains $m_i$ edges. We study $hcp(G_{n,p})$ when the edges are randomly colored. We discuss the profile close to the threshold for the existence of a Hamilton cycle and the threshold for when $hcp(G_{n,p})={(m_1,m_2,ldots,m_r)in [0,n]^r:m_1+m_2+cdots+m_r=n}$.

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