The droplet-scaling versus replica symmetry breaking debate in spin glasses revisited

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Simulational studies of spin glasses in the last decade have focussed on the so-called replicon exponent $alpha$ as a means of determining whether the low-temperature phase of spin glasses is described by the replica symmetry breaking picture of Parisi or by the droplet-scaling picture. On the latter picture, it should be zero, but we shall argue that it will only be zero for systems of linear dimension $L > L^*$. The crossover length $L^*$ may be of the order of hundreds of lattice spacings in three dimensions and approach infinity in 6 dimensions. We use the droplet-scaling picture to show that the apparent non-zero value of $alpha$ when $L < L^*$ should be $2 theta$, where $theta$ is the domain wall energy scaling exponent, This formula is in reasonable agreement with the reported values of $alpha$.

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