Long-lived bi$boldsymbol{ u}$o at the LHC

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We examine the detection prospects for a long-lived bi$ u$o, a pseudo-Dirac bino which is responsible for neutrino masses, at the LHC and at dedicated long-lived particle detectors. The bi$ u$o arises in $U(1)_R$-symmetric supersymmetric models where the neutrino masses are generated through higher dimensional operators in an inverse seesaw mechanism. At the LHC the bi$ u$o is produced through squark decays and it subsequently decays to quarks, charged leptons and missing energy via its mixing with the Standard Model neutrinos. We consider long-lived bi$ u$os which escape the ATLAS or CMS detectors as missing energy and decay to charged leptons inside the proposed long-lived particle detectors FASER, CODEX-b, and MATHUSLA. We find the currently allowed region in the squark-bi$ u$o mass parameter space by recasting most recent LHC searches for jets+MET. We also determine the reach of MATHUSLA, CODEX-b and FASER. We find that a large region of parameter space involving squark masses, bi$ u$o mass and the messenger scale can be probed with MATHUSLA, ranging from bi$ u$o masses of 10 GeV-2 TeV and messenger scales $10^{2-11}$ TeV for a range of squark masses.

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