Tracking the Source of Solar Type II Bursts through Comparisons of Simulations and Radio Data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The most intense solar energetic particle events are produced by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) accompanied by intense type II radio bursts below 15 MHz. Understanding where these type II bursts are generated relative to an erupting CME would reveal important details of particle acceleration near the Sun, but the emission cannot be imaged on Earth due to distortion from its ionosphere. Here, a technique is introduced to identify the likely source location of the emission by comparing the observed dynamic spectrum observed from a single spacecraft against synthetic spectra made from hypothesized emitting regions within a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulation of the recreated CME. The radio-loud 2005 May 13 CME was chosen as a test case, with Wind/WAVES radio data used to frame the inverse problem of finding the most likely progression of burst locations. An MHD recreation is used to create synthetic spectra for various hypothesized burst locations. A framework is developed to score these synthetic spectra by their similarity to the type II frequency profile derived from Wind/WAVES data. Simulated areas with 4x enhanced entropy and elevated de Hoffmann Teller velocities are found to produce synthetic spectra similar to spacecraft observations. A geometrical analysis suggests that the eastern edge of the entropy derived shock around (-30, 0) degrees in heliocentric coordinates was emitting in the first hour of the event before ceasing emission, and that the western/southwestern edge of the shock centered around (6, -12) degrees was a dominant area of radio emission for the 2 hours of simulation data out to 20 solar radii.

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