Shelf-Supervised Mesh Prediction in the Wild

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We aim to infer 3D shape and pose of object from a single image and propose a learning-based approach that can train from unstructured image collections, supervised by only segmentation outputs from off-the-shelf recognition systems (i.e. shelf-supervised). We first infer a volumetric representation in a canonical frame, along with the camera pose. We enforce the representation geometrically consistent with both appearance and masks, and also that the synthesized novel views are indistinguishable from image collections. The coarse volumetric prediction is then converted to a mesh-based representation, which is further refined in the predicted camera frame. These two steps allow both shape-pose factorization from image collections and per-instance reconstruction in finer details. We examine the method on both synthetic and real-world datasets and demonstrate its scalability on 50 categories in the wild, an order of magnitude more classes than existing works.

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