Various tin hydrides SnHx (x = 4, 8, 12, 14) have been theoretically predicted to be stable at high pressures and to show high-critical-temperature superconductivity with Tc ranging from about 70 to 100 K. However, experimental verifications for any of these phases are still lacking to date. Here, we report on the in-situ synthesis, electrical resistance, and synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements of SnHx at ~ 200 GPa. The main phase of the obtained sample can be indexed with the monoclinic C2/m SnH12 via comparison with the theoretical structural modes. A sudden drop of resistance and the systematic downward shift under external magnetic fields signals the occurrence of superconductivity in SnHx at Tc = ~ 70 K with an upper critical field u0Hc2(0) = ~ 11.2 T, which is relatively low in comparison with other reported high-Tc superhydrides. Various characteristic superconducting parameters are estimated based on the BCS theory.