Anomalous Stellar Populations in LSB Galaxies

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present new HST WFC3 near-IR observations of the CMDs in two LSB galaxies, F575-3 and F615-1, notable for having no current star formation based on a lack of H$alpha$ emission. Key features of the near-IR CMDs are resolved, such as the red giant branch (RGB), the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) region and the top of the blue main sequence (bMS). F575-3 has the bluest RGB of any CMD in the literature, indicating an extremely low mean metallicity. F615-1 has unusually wide RGB and AGB sequences suggesting multiple episodes of star formation from metal-poor gas, possibly infalling material. Both galaxies have an unusual population of stars to the red of the RGB and lower in luminosity than typical AGB stars. These stars have normal optical colors but abnormal near-IR colors. We suggest that this population of stars might be analogous to local peculiar stars like Be stars with strong near-IR excesses owing to a surrounding disk of hot gas.

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