Physical and Chemical Structure of the Disk and Envelope of the Class 0/I Protostar L1527

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Sub-millimeter spectral line and continuum emission from the protoplanetary disks and envelopes of protostars are powerful probes of their structure, chemistry, and dynamics. Here we present a benchmark study of our modeling code, RadChemT, that for the first time uses a chemical model to reproduce ALMA C$^{18}$O (2-1) and CARMA $^{12}$CO (1-0) and N$_{2}$H$^{+}$ (1-0) observations of L1527, that allow us to distinguish the disk, the infalling envelope and outflow of this Class 0/I protostar. RadChemT combines dynamics, radiative transfer, gas chemistry and gas-grain reactions to generate models which can be directly compared with observations for individual protostars. Rather than individually fit abundances to a large number of free parameters, we aim to best match the spectral line maps by (i) adopting a physical model based on density structure and luminosity derived primarily from previous work that fit SED and 2D imaging data, updating it to include a narrow jet detected in CARMA and ALMA data near ($leq 75$au) the protostar, and then (ii) computing the resulting astrochemical abundances for 292 chemical species. Our model reproduces the C$^{18}$O and N$_{2}$H$^{+}$ line strengths within a factor of 3.0; this is encouraging considering the pronounced abundance variation (factor $> 10^3$) between the outflow shell and CO snowline region near the midplane. Further, our modeling confirms suggestions regarding the anti-correlation between N$_{2}$H$^{+}$ and the CO snowline between 400 au to 2,000 au from the central star. Our modeling tools represent a new and powerful capability with which to exploit the richness of spectral line imaging provided by modern submillimeter interferometers.

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