DeepRepair: Style-Guided Repairing for DNNs in the Real-world Operational Environment

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are being widely applied for various real-world applications across domains due to their high performance (e.g., high accuracy on image classification). Nevertheless, a well-trained DNN after deployment could oftentimes raise errors during practical use in the operational environment due to the mismatching between distributions of the training dataset and the potential unknown noise factors in the operational environment, e.g., weather, blur, noise etc. Hence, it poses a rather important problem for the DNNs real-world applications: how to repair the deployed DNNs for correcting the failure samples (i.e., incorrect prediction) under the deployed operational environment while not harming their capability of handling normal or clean data. The number of failure samples we can collect in practice, caused by the noise factors in the operational environment, is often limited. Therefore, It is rather challenging how to repair more similar failures based on the limited failure samples we can collect. In this paper, we propose a style-guided data augmentation for repairing DNN in the operational environment. We propose a style transfer method to learn and introduce the unknown failure patterns within the failure data into the training data via data augmentation. Moreover, we further propose the clustering-based failure data generation for much more effective style-guided data augmentation. We conduct a large-scale evaluation with fifteen degradation factors that may happen in the real world and compare with four state-of-the-art data augmentation methods and two DNN repairing methods, demonstrating that our method can significantly enhance the deployed DNNs on the corrupted data in the operational environment, and with even better accuracy on clean datasets.

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