Daejeon16 interaction with contact-term corrections for heavy nuclear systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The Daejeon16 two-nucleon interaction is employed in many-body approaches based on the mean-field approximation. The perturbative character of Daejeon16 is verified by comparing results for 16O from the Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation and from the no-core shell model and by examining the magnitude of perturbative corrections to the HF energy in light and heavy nuclei. In order to approximately describe energies and radii across the nuclear chart, a phenomenological correction in the form of a two-plus-three-nucleon contact interaction is introduced. With fitted parameters we achieve a very good description of medium-mass nuclei in terms of energy and size and also in terms of the centroid energy of the giant monopole resonance and the dipole polarizability calculated within the random-phase approximation (RPA). Our results provide further justification for the use of Daejeon16 augmented with phenomenological corrections as an effective interaction of perturbative character in a variety of applications.

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