Adversarial Consistent Learning on Partial Domain Adaptation of PlantCLEF 2020 Challenge

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Domain adaptation is one of the most crucial techniques to mitigate the domain shift problem, which exists when transferring knowledge from an abundant labeled sourced domain to a target domain with few or no labels. Partial domain adaptation addresses the scenario when target categories are only a subset of source categories. In this paper, to enable the efficient representation of cross-domain plant images, we first extract deep features from pre-trained models and then develop adversarial consistent learning ($ACL$) in a unified deep architecture for partial domain adaptation. It consists of source domain classification loss, adversarial learning loss, and feature consistency loss. Adversarial learning loss can maintain domain-invariant features between the source and target domains. Moreover, feature consistency loss can preserve the fine-grained feature transition between two domains. We also find the shared categories of two domains via down-weighting the irrelevant categories in the source domain. Experimental results demonstrate that training features from NASNetLarge model with proposed $ACL$ architecture yields promising results on the PlantCLEF 2020 Challenge.

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