Data mining and analysis of scientific research data records on Covid 19 mortality, immunity, and vaccine development in the first wave of the Covid 19 pandemic

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this study, we investigate the scientific research response from the early stages of the pandemic, and we review key findings on how the early warning systems developed in previous epidemics responded to contain the virus. The data records are analysed with commutable statistical methods, including R Studio, Bibliometrix package, and the Web of Science data mining tool. We identified few different clusters, containing references to exercise, inflammation, smoking, obesity and many additional factors. From the analysis on Covid-19 and vaccine, we discovered that although the USA is leading in volume of scientific research on Covid 19 vaccine, the leading 3 research institutions (Fudan, Melbourne, Oxford) are not based in the USA. Hence, it is difficult to predict which country would be first to produce a Covid 19 vaccine.

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