Optimal regularity for Lagrangian mean curvature type equations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We classify regularity for a class of Lagrangian mean curvature type equations, which includes the potential equation for prescribed Lagrangian mean curvature and those for Lagrangian mean curvature flow self-shrinkers and expanders, translating solitons, and rotating solitons. We first show that convex viscosity solutions are regular provided the Lagrangian angle or phase is $C^2$ and convex in the gradient variable. We next show that for merely Holder continuous phases, convex solutions are regular if they are $C^{1,beta}$ for sufficiently large $beta$. Singular solutions are given to show that each condition is optimal and that the Holder exponent is sharp. Along the way, we generalize the constant rank theorem of Bian and Guan to include arbitrary dependence on the Legendre transform.

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