Revisiting the complex nuclear region of NGC 6240 with Chandra

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present a reanalysis of the cumulative ACIS S Chandra data set pointed at the double AGNs of the NGC 6240 merging galaxy, focusing on the hard energy bands containing the hard spectral continuum (5.5-5.9 keV), the redshifted Fe I K alpha line (6.0-6.4 keV), and the redshifted Fe XXV line (6.4-6.7 keV). We have used to the full the Chandra telescope angular resolution, and we have modeled the Chandra PSF by comparing pre-flight calibration model to the data for the two bright AGNs. With two complementary approaches: (1) studying the residuals after PSF subtraction, and (2) producing reconstructed Expectation through Markov Chain Monte Carlo (EMC2) images, we are able to resolve structures extending from 1 kpc to <200 pc in the S AGN. The latter are within the sphere of influence of this BH. We find significant extended emission in both continuum and Fe lines in the 2 (1 kpc) region surrounding the nuclei, in the region between the N and S AGN, and in a sector of PA 120-210 deg. extending to the SE from the centroid of the S AGN surface brightness. The extended Fe I K alpha emission is likely to originate from fluorescence of X-ray photons interacting with dense molecular clouds, providing a complementary view to recent high-resolution ALMA studies. The non-thermal emission is more prevalent in the region in between the two active X-ray nuclei, and in the N AGN. We do not find strong evidence of X-ray emission associated with the 3rd nucleus recently proposed for NGC 6240.

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