Reanalyses for $^{42-51}$Ca scattering on a $^{12}$C target at $280$ MeV/nucleon based on chiral $g$ folding mode with Gogny-D1S Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov densities

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In our previous paper, we predicted $r_{rm skin}$, $r_{rm p}$, $r_{rm n}$, $r_{rm m}$ for $^{40-60,62,64}$Ca after determining the neutron dripline, using the Gogny-D1S HFB (GHFB) with and without the angular momentum projection (AMP). Using the chiral $g$-matrix folding model, we predicted $sigma_{rm R}$ for Ca scattering on a $^{12}$C target at 280 MeV/nucleon, since Tanaka {it el al.} measured interaction cross sections $sigma_{rm I} (approx sigma_{rm R})$ for $^{42-51}$Ca in RIKEN. After our prediction, they determine $r_{rm m}({rm RIKEN})$, $r_{rm skin}({rm RIKEN})$, $r_{rm n}({rm RIKEN})$. In this paper, we reanalyses the $sigma_{rm I}$, since they assumed the Wood-Saxon densities for $^{42-51}$Ca. The $sigma_{rm R}$ calculated with the folding model with GHFB and GHFB+AMP densities almost reproduce the $sigma_{rm I}$. We then scale proton and neutron densities so that $r_{rm p}$ and $r_{rm n}$ may agree with the central values of $r_{rm p}(rm exp)$ and $r_{rm n}({rm RIKEN})$, respectively. The $sigma_{rm R}$ calculated with the scaled densities do not reproduce the central values of $sigma_{rm I}$ perfectly. We then determine the $r_{rm m}$ that agree with the central values of $sigma_{rm I}$, using the chiral $g$-matrix folding model. The fitted $r_{rm m}$ do not reproduce the central values of $r_{rm m}({rm RIKEN})$ perfectly, but are in one $sigma$ level. Finally, we show the $r_{rm skin}$, $r_{rm n}$ determined from the fitted $r_{rm m}$ are close to the original ones except for $r_{rm skin}^{48}$. The fitted $r_{rm skin}^{48}$ is 0.105 fm, while the central value of $r_{rm m}^{48}({rm RIKEN})$ is 0.146 fm. When we fit $r_{rm m}$ to the upper bound of $sigma_{rm I}$, the fitted $r_{rm skin}^{48}$ is 0.164~fm and near the central vale 0.17 fm of the high-resolution $E1$ polarizability experiment.

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