Impact of the small-scale structure on the Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves from cosmic strings

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Numerical simulations and analytical models suggest that infinite cosmic strings produce cosmic string loops of all sizes with a given power-law. Precise estimations of the power-law exponent are still matter of debate while numerical simulations do not incorporate all the radiation and back-reaction effects expected to affect the network at small scales. Previously it has been shown, using a Boltzmann approach, that depending on the steepness of the loop production function and the gravitational back-reaction scale, a so-called Extra Population of Small Loops (EPSL) can be generated in the loop number density. We propose a framework to study the influence of this extra population of small loops on the Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves (SBGW). We show that this extra population can have a significant signature at frequencies higher than $H_0(Gamma Gmu)^{-1}$ where $Gamma$ is of order $50$ and $H_0$ is the Hubble constant. We propose a complete classification of the gravitational wave power spectra expected from cosmic strings into four classes, including the model of Blanco-Pillado, Olum and Shlaer and the model of Lorenz, Ringeval and Sakellariadou. Finally we show that given the uncertainties on the Polchinski-Rocha exponents, two hybrid classes of gravitational wave power spectrum can be considered giving very different predictions for the SBGW.

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