DAMO: Deep Agile Mask Optimization for Full Chip Scale

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Continuous scaling of the VLSI system leaves a great challenge on manufacturing and optical proximity correction (OPC) is widely applied in conventional design flow for manufacturability optimization. Traditional techniques conducted OPC by leveraging a lithography model and suffered from prohibitive computational overhead, and mostly focused on optimizing a single clip without addressing how to tackle the full chip. In this paper, we present DAMO, a high performance and scalable deep learning-enabled OPC system for full chip scale. It is an end-to-end mask optimization paradigm which contains a Deep Lithography Simulator (DLS) for lithography modeling and a Deep Mask Generator (DMG) for mask pattern generation. Moreover, a novel layout splitting algorithm customized for DAMO is proposed to handle the full chip OPC problem. Extensive experiments show that DAMO outperforms the state-of-the-art OPC solutions in both academia and industrial commercial toolkit.

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