Melting and crystallization of Sn, Bi and Pb nanoparticles in contact with Al

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The results of studies of supercooling upon crystallization value of Bi, Sn and Pb nanosized particles on the Al substrate and between the Al layers have been presented. It has been shown the efficiency of usage of layered film systems for investigation of the limiting supercooling in particle-matrix systems with an eutectic type of interaction between components. The obtained results have been discussed and compared with literature data. ----- Predstavleny rezultaty issledovanij pereohlazhdenij pri kristallizacii nanorazmernyh chastic Bi, Sn i Pb na Al podlozhke i mezhdu sloyami alyuminiya. Pokazana effektivnost ispolzovaniya sloistyh plenochnyh sistem dlya issledovaniya predelnogo pereohlazhdeniya v sistemah chastica-matrica s evtekticheskim tipom vzaimodejstviya mezhdu komponentami. Poluchennye rezultaty obsuzhdeny i sopostavleny s literaturnymi dannymi.

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