New Bounds on Light Sneutrino Masses: Rare SUSY Signals

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study bounds on a neutral component of weak doublet scalar lepton. A typical example of such particle is sneutrinos in supersymmetric models. Using constraints from invisible Higgs decays we place a lower bound of approximately $m_h/2$. We recast a mono-$W/Z$ search, with hadronic vector boson tag in order to bound parameter space in the sneutrino--charged slepton mass plane. We find a lower bound on sneutrinos in the range of 55-100 GeV in the 36 $text{fb}^{-1}$ data set depending on the mass of charged component. We propose a sensitivity search in the hadronic mono-$W/Z$ channel for HL-LHC and discuss both the discovery potential in case an excess is seen and exclusion limit assuming no excess is seen.

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