Axial-vector form factors of the baryon decuplet with flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The axial-vector form factors and axial-vector constants of the baryon decuplet are investigated within a pion mean-field approach, which is also known as the chiral quark-soliton model. Given an axial-vector current with a specified flavor, there are four different form factors of a decuplet baryon. When we consider the singlet, triplet, and octet axial-vector currents, we have twelve different form factors for each member of the baryon decuplet. We compute all these axial-vector form factors of the baryon decuplet, taking into account the rotational $1/N_c$ corrections and effects of flavor SU(3) symmetry breaking. We find that, for a given flavor, two of the form factors for a decuplet baryon are only independent within the present approach. We first examine properties of the axial-vector form factors of the $Delta^+$ isobar and $Omega^-$ hyperon. We also compare the results of the triplet axial-vector form factors of $Delta^+$ with those from lattice QCD and those of the present work for the axial-vector constants of the baryon decuplet with the lattice data. All the results for other members of the baryon decuplet are then presented. The results of the axial charges are compared with those of other works. The axial masses and axial radii are also discussed.

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