Analytical Model for the Tidal Evolution of the Evection Resonance and the Timing of Resonance Escape

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A high-angular momentum giant impact with the Earth can produce a Moon with a silicate isotopic composition nearly identical to that of Earths mantle, consistent with observations of terrestrial and lunar rocks. However, such an event requires subsequent angular momentum removal for consistency with the current Earth-Moon system. The early Moon may have been captured into the evection resonance, occurring when the lunar perigee precession period equals one year. It has been proposed that after a high-angular momentum giant impact, evection removed the angular momentum excess from the Earth-Moon pair and transferred it to Earths orbit about the Sun. However, prior N-body integrations suggest this result depends on the tidal model and chosen tidal parameters. Here we examine the Moons encounter with evection using a complementary analytic description and the Mignard tidal model. While the Moon is in resonance the lunar longitude of perigee librates, and if tidal evolution excites the libration amplitude sufficiently, escape from resonance occurs. The angular momentum drain produced by formal evection depends on how long the resonance is maintained. We estimate that resonant escape occurs early, leading to only a small reduction (~few to 10%) in the Earth-Moon system angular momentum. Moon formation from a high-angular momentum impact would then require other angular momentum removal mechanisms beyond standard libration in evection, as have been suggested previously.

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