Detection of multipolar orders in the spin-orbit-entangled 5d Mott insulator Ba2MgReO6

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In electronic solids with strong spin-orbit interactions (SOIs), the spin and orbital degrees of freedom of an electron are quantum mechanically entangled, which may result in an exotic multipolar order instead of a conventional dipolar order such as a magnetic order. Such a higher-degree order is called hidden order because of difficulties in experimental detection. Moreover, the number of candidate compounds is limited, especially rare in d electron systems, in which an interplay between SOIs and Coulomb interactions is expected to cause rich physics. Here, we employ state-of-the-art synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques on a high-quality single crystal to probe subtle symmetry breaking induced by a multipolar order. We unequivocally demonstrate that the double-perovskite Ba2MgReO6 exhibits successive transitions to quadrupolar and then dipolar orders upon cooling, which is consistent with a theory considering SOIs. Our findings are a significant step towards understanding the intriguing physics of multipoles realized by spin-orbit-entangled 5d electrons.

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