The properties of 50 um thick Low Gain Avalanche Diode (LGAD) detectors manufactured by Hamamatsu photonics (HPK) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) were tested before and after irradiation with 1 MeV neutrons. Their performance were measured in charge collection studies using b-particles from a 90Sr source and in capacitance-voltage scans (C-V) to determine the bias to deplete the gain layer. Carbon infusion to the gain layer of the sensors was tested by FBK in the UFSD3 production. HPK instead produced LGADs with a very thin, highly doped and deep multiplication layer. The sensors were exposed to a neutron fluence from 4e14 neq/cm2 to 4e15 neq/cm2. The collected charge and the timing resolution were measured as a function of bias voltage at -30C, furthermore the profile of the capacitance over voltage of the sensors was measured.