An optoelectronic optimization was carried out for an AlGaAs solar cell containing (i) an n-AlGaAs absorber layer with a graded bandgap and (ii) a periodically corrugated Ag backreflector combined with localized ohmic Pd-Ge-Au backcontacts. The bandgap of the absorber layer was varied either sinusoidally or linearly. An efficiency of 33.1% with the 2000-nm-thick n-AlGaAs absorber layer is predicted with linearly graded bandgap along with silver backreflector and localized ohmic backcontacts, in comparison to 27.4% efficiency obtained with homogeneous bandgap and a continuous ohmic backcontact. Sinusoidal grading of the bandgap {is predicted to enhance} the maximum efficiency to 34.5%. Thus, grading the bandgap of the absorber layer, along with a periodically corrugated Ag backreflector and localized ohmic Pd-Ge-Au backcontacts can help realize ultrathin and high-efficient AlGaAs solar cells for terrestrial applications.
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