Conformal Field Theories with Sporadic Group Symmetry

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The monster sporadic group is the automorphism group of a central charge $c=24$ vertex operator algebra (VOA) or meromorphic conformal field theory (CFT). In addition to its $c=24$ stress tensor $T(z)$, this theory contains many other conformal vectors of smaller central charge; for example, it admits $48$ commuting $c=frac12$ conformal vectors whose sum is $T(z)$. Such decompositions of the stress tensor allow one to construct new CFTs from the monster CFT in a manner analogous to the Goddard-Kent-Olive (GKO) coset method for affine Lie algebras. We use this procedure to produce evidence for the existence of a number of CFTs with sporadic symmetry groups and employ a variety of techniques, including Hecke operators, modular linear differential equations, and Rademacher sums, to compute the characters of these CFTs. Our examples include (extensions of) nine of the sporadic groups appearing as subquotients of the monster, as well as the simple groups ${}^2{E}_6(2)$ and ${F}_4(2)$ of Lie type. Many of these examples are naturally associated to McKays $widehat{E_8}$ correspondence, and we use the structure of Nortons monstralizer pairs more generally to organize our presentation.

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