Translating Web Search Queries into Natural Language Questions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Users often query a search engine with a specific question in mind and often these queries are keywords or sub-sentential fragments. For example, if the users want to know the answer for Whats the capital of USA, they will most probably query capital of USA or USA capital or some keyword-based variation of this. For example, for the user entered query capital of USA, the most probable question intent is Whats the capital of USA?. In this paper, we are proposing a method to generate well-formed natural language question from a given keyword-based query, which has the same question intent as the query. Conversion of keyword-based web query into a well-formed question has lots of applications, with some of them being in search engines, Community Question Answering (CQA) website and bots communication. We found a synergy between query-to-question problem with standard machine translation(MT) task. We have used both Statistical MT (SMT) and Neural MT (NMT) models to generate the questions from the query. We have observed that MT models perform well in terms of both automatic and human evaluation.

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