RGISTools: Downloading, Customizing, and Processing Time Series of Remote Sensing Data in R

الملخص بالإنكليزية

There is a large number of data archives and web services offering free access to multispectral satellite imagery. Images from multiple sources are increasingly combined to improve the spatio-temporal coverage of measurements while achieving more accurate results. Archives and web services differ in their protocols, formats, and data standards, which are barriers to combine datasets. Here, we present RGISTools, an R package to create time-series of multispectral satellite images from multiple platforms in a harmonized and standardized way. We first provide an overview of the package functionalities, namely downloading, customizing, and processing multispectral satellite imagery for a region and time period of interest as well as a recent statistical method for gap-filling and smoothing series of images, called interpolation of the mean anomalies. We further show the capabilities of the package through a case study that combines Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellite optical imagery to estimate the level of a water reservoir in Northern Spain. We expect RGISTools to foster research on data fusion and spatio-temporal modelling using satellite images from multiple programs.

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