Accessing the spectral function in a current-carrying device

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The presence of an electrical transport current in a material is one of the simplest and most important realisations of non-equilibrium physics. The current density breaks the crystalline symmetry and can give rise to dramatic phenomena, such as sliding charge density waves [1], insulator-to-metal transitions [2,3] or gap openings in topologically protected states [4]. Almost nothing is known about how a current influences the electron spectral function, which characterizes most of the solids electronic, optical and chemical properties. Here we show that angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with a nano-scale light spot (nanoARPES) provides not only a wealth of information on local equilibrium properties, but also opens the possibility to access the local non-equilibrium spectral function in the presence of a transport current. Unifying spectroscopic and transport measurements in this way allows non-invasive local measurements of the composition, structure, many-body effects and carrier mobility in the presence of high current densities.

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